티스토리 뷰
List of Sites possibly affected by Cloudflare's #Cloudbleed HTTPS Traffic Leak
This is a (work-in-progress) list of domains possibly affected by the CloudBleed HTTPS traffic leak. Original vuln thread by Google Project Zero.
This list contains all domains that use Cloudflare DNS, not just the Cloudflare proxy (the affected service that leaked data). It's a broad sweeping list that includes everything. Just because a domain is on the list does not mean the site is compromised, and sites may be compromised that do not appear on this list.
Cloudflare has not provided an official list of affected domains, and likely will not due to privacy concerns. I'm compiling an unofficial list here so you know what passwords to change.
See issue #127 and issue #87 for additional info about which sites are likely to be affected.
Between 2016-09-22 - 2017-02-18 passwords, private messages, API keys, and other sensitive data were leaked by Cloudflare to random requesters. Data was cached by search engines, and may have been collected by random adversaries over the past few months.
Requests to sites with the HTML rewrite features enabled triggered a pointer math bug. Once the bug was triggered the response would include data from ANY other Cloudflare proxy customer that happened to be in memory at the time. Meaning a request for a page with one of those features could include data from Uber or one of the many other customers that didn't use those features. So the potential impact is every single one of the sites using Cloudflare's proxy services (including HTTP & HTTPS proxy).
"The greatest period of impact was from February 13 and February 18 with around 1 in every 3,300,000 HTTP requests through Cloudflare potentially resulting in memory leakage (that’s about 0.00003% of requests), potential of 100k-200k paged with private data leaked every day" -- source
You can see some of the leaked data yourself in search engine caches: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=+%7B%22scheme%22%3A%22http%22%7D+CF-Host-Origin-IP&t=h_&ia=web
Confirmed affected domains found in the wild: http://doma.io/2017/02/24/list-of-affected-cloudbleed-domains.html
What should I do?
Check your password managers and change all your passwords, especially those on these affected sites. Rotate API keys & secrets, and confirm you have 2-FA set up for important accounts. This might sound like fear-mongering, but the scope of this leak is truly massive, and due to the fact that all Cloudflare proxy customers were vulnerable to having data leaked, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Theoretically sites not in this list can also be affected (because an affected site could have made an API request to a non-affected one), you should probably change all your important passwords.
Submit PR's to add domains that you know are using Cloudflare, or remove domains that are not affected.
This list was compiled from 3 large dumps of all Cloudflare customers provided by crimeflare.com/cfs.html, and several manually copy-pasted lists from stackshare.io and wappalyzer.com. Crimeflare collected their lists by doing NS DNS lookups on a large number of domains, and checking SSL certificate ownership.
I scraped the Alexa top 10,000 by using a simple loop over the list:
for domain in (cat ~/Desktop/alexa_10000.csv)
if dig $domain NS | grep cloudflare
echo $domain >> affected.txt
The Alexa scrape, and the Crimeflare dumps were then combined in a single text file, and passed through sort | uniq
. I've since accepted several PRs and issues to remove sites that were unaffected from the list.
Data sources:
- https://stackshare.io/cloudflare
- https://wappalyzer.com/applications/cloudflare
- DNS scraper I'm running on Alexa top 10,000 sites (grepping for cloudflare in results)
- https://www.cloudflare.com/ips/ (going to find sites that resolve to these IPs next)
- http://www.crimeflare.com/cfs.html (scrape of all Cloudflare customers)
- http://www.doesitusecloudflare.com/
I'd rather be safe than sorry so I've included any domain here that remotely touches Cloudflare. If I've made a mistake and you believe your site is not affected, submit a PR and I will merge it ASAP, I don't want to hurt anyone's reputation unnecessarily.
You can also ping me on twitter @theSquashSH and I'll respond as soon as I can.
Full List
Download the full list.zip (22mb)
4,287,625 possibly affected domains. Download this file, unzip it, then run grep -x domaintocheck.com sorted_unique_cf.txt
to see if a domain is present.
Also, a list of some iOS apps that may have been affected.
Search Tools
You can search for domains which might affect you by using the web app @abalabahaha created to avoid having to download and search the file: Search online
Additionally, you can check out #37 for more tools to search the list (Thanks for all the dedication and commitment!)
Notable Sites
- authy.com
- coinbase.com
- bitcoin.de
- betterment.com
- transferwise.com
- prosper.com
- digitalocean.com
- patreon.com
- bitpay.com
- news.ycombinator.com
- producthunt.com
- medium.com
- 4chan.org
- yelp.com
- okcupid.com
- zendesk.com
- uber.com
- poloniex.com
- localbitcoins.com
- kraken.com
- 23andme.com
- curse.com (and some other Curse sites like minecraftforum.net)
- counsyl.com
- tfl.gov.uk
- account.leagueoflegends.com
- myaccount.nytimes.com
- technicpack.net
- namecheap.com (no evidence of compromised data)
- discordapp.com (affected)
- glassdoor.com (no evidence of compromised data)
- vultr.com (no evidence of compromised data)
- fastmail.com (not affected, #2)
- 1password.com (not affected)
Alexa Top 10,000 affected sites:
- upwork.com
- codepen.io
- fiverr.com
- thepiratebay.org
- extratorrent.com
- getbootstrap.com
- jquery.com
- laravel.com
- laracasts.com
- seriouseats.com
- bitdefender.com
- ziprecruiter.com
- glassdoor.com
- pastebin.com
- fitbit.com
- discordapp.com
- change.org
- feedly.com
- zoho.com
- 1001freefonts.com
- 101greatgoals.com
- 10minutemail.com
- 123telugu.com
- 1hhhh.net
- 1jux.net
- 1news.az
- 1sale.com
- 1stwebdesigner.com
- 24horas.cl
- 24sata.hr
- 2ch-c.net
- 2ch.hk
- 2ch.net
- 2ip.ru
- 3bmeteo.com
- 4chan.org
- 4dsply.com
- 4pda.ru
- 4tube.com
- 5giay.vn
- 800notes.com
- 96down.com
- abidjan.net
- abs-cbnnews.com
- adafruit.com
- add-anime.net
- addicted2success.com
- addictinginfo.org
- addmefast.com
- addtoany.com
- adf.ly
- adfoc.us
- ads-id.com
- adult-empire.com
- advfn.com
- adxpansion.com
- aflam4you.tv
- aflamneek.com
- aftabir.com
- agilebits.com
- ahlamontada.com
- ahlynews.com
- ahnegao.com.br
- aitnews.com
- aksam.com.tr
- aktifhaber.com
- al-akhbar.com
- aleqt.com
- alexaboostup.com
- alfajertv.com
- alfavita.gr
- alhilal.com
- alison.com
- alistapart.com
- aljaras.com
- allanalpass.com
- all.biz
- allkpop.com
- allmyvideos.net
- alltop.com
- almaany.com
- almasryalyoum.com
- almesryoon.com
- alnaharegypt.com
- alphacoders.com
- alrakoba.net
- alternativeto.net
- alternet.org
- alwafd.org
- alwatanvoice.com
- alweeam.com.sa
- amadershomoybd.com
- amarujala.com
- amino.dk
- anandabazar.com
- androidauthority.com
- androidcentral.com
- androidpolice.com
- angloinfo.com
- anime44.com
- animeflv.net
- animeid.tv
- animenewsnetwork.com
- anipo.jp
- anitube.se
- ann.az
- annunci69.it
- antarvasna.com
- antena3.ro
- antyweb.pl
- any.gs
- ap7am.com
- apherald.com
- apne.tv
- aporrea.org
- appadvice.com
- appbrain.com
- appstorm.net
- arabsh.com
- archive.is
- argentinawarez.com
- arioo.com
- aristeguinoticias.com
- armorgames.com
- arouraios.gr
- articlesnatch.com
- ashleymadison.com
- ashleyrnadison.com
- atlas.sk
- attracta.com
- atwiki.jp
- authorstream.com
- avaaz.org
- avaz.ba
- avazutracking.net
- avito.ma
- avito.ru (confirmed by @toogle from Avito.ru as not affected)
- avn.info.ve
- azertag.com
- aznews.az
- azyya.com
- b1.org
- bab.la
- babyoye.com
- backlinks.com
- bakufu.jp
- bancdebinary.com
- banglanews24.com
- barstoolsports.com
- bbspink.com
- bc.vc
- bdr130.net
- beeg.com
- behindwoods.com
- belboon.com
- bestblackhatforum.com
- bezaat.com
- bicaps.com
- bigrock.in
- bikroy.com
- billiger.de
- billionuploads.com
- binaryoptionsnewbies.com
- binsearch.info
- bitcoincharts.com
- bitshare.com
- bitsnoop.com
- bizsugar.com
- blackhatteam.com
- blackhatworld.com
- blankrefer.com
- bleepingcomputer.com
- blekko.com
- blinklist.com
- blip.tv
- blockchain.info
- blogcatalog.com
- blogfa.com
- blogs.com
- boards.ie
- boo-box.com
- boxden.com
- boxingscene.com
- brainpickings.org
- brainyquote.com
- brandyourself.com
- brasil247.com
- briian.com
- broadwayworld.com
- bronto.com
- brooonzyah.net
- brusheezy.com
- btc-e.com
- bubblews.com
- bufferapp.com
- bukkit.org
- burbuja.info
- burnews.com
- business2blogger.com
- businessforhome.org
- buzztheme.net
- camplace.com
- cancan.ro
- careers360.com
- car.gr
- catracalivre.com.br
- cbox.ws
- cda.pl
- ce4arab.com
- celebuzz.com
- charter97.org
- chatrandom.com
- cheathappens.com
- chinavasion.com
- chomikuj.pl
- christian-dogma.com
- cima4u.com
- ciudad.com.ar
- ck101.com
- clasicooo.com
- classifiedads.com
- cleanfiles.net
- clickbank.com
- clickbank.net
- clip.vn
- clixsense.com
- cloudflare.com
- clubedohardware.com.br
- cmse.ru
- codepen.io
- codeschool.com
- coinbase.com
- col3negoriginal.lk
- colourlovers.com
- comicbookmovie.com
- compucalitv.com
- copacet.com
- cpalead.com
- cpasbien.com
- cpasbien.me
- crackberry.com
- creativecommons.org
- cricfree.tv
- crictime.com
- crocko.com
- crosswalk.com
- crunchbase.com
- crunchyroll.com
- cs-cart.com
- cssdeck.com
- cucirca.eu
- curse.com
- cyanogenmod.org
- cyberchimps.com
- cyberpresse.ca
- dailycaller.com
- daisycon.com
- dangerousminds.net
- dardarkom.com
- dashnet.org
- davidicke.com
- davidwalsh.name
- dawanda.com
- dawn.com
- de10.com.mx
- deadline.com
- defaultsear.ch
- defencenet.gr
- definebabe.com
- demandforce.com
- demotywatory.pl
- deperu.com
- desidime.com
- designboom.com
- designfloat.com
- designtaxi.com
- desirulez.net
- desi-tashan.com
- desitorrents.com
- desmotivaciones.es
- destructoid.com
- deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de
- dev-point.com
- dhakatimes24.com
- diariocontraste.com
- diariodemorelos.com
- diario.mx
- diary.ru
- dicelacancion.com
- diffen.com
- digikala.com
- digitalocean.com
- digital-photography-school.com
- digitalpoint.com
- discuss.com.hk
- divxplanet.com
- divxstage.eu
- dizi-mag.com
- djmaza.info
- dlink.com
- dl-protect.com
- dnevnik.hr
- doba.com
- doisongphapluat.com
- doityourself.com
- doostiha.ir
- dostor.org
- dota2lounge.com
- downloadatoz.com
- downloadming.me
- downloads.nl
- dpstream.net
- drakulastream.eu
- dramasonline.com
- dreamamateurs.com
- dreamincode.net
- dreamteammoney.com
- dreamtemplate.com
- droid-life.com
- drudgereport.com
- dryicons.com
- dsdomination.com
- duedil.com
- dumpert.nl
- dx.com
- eatlocalgrown.com
- ebs.in
- e-cigarette-forum.com
- econsultancy.com
- edublogs.org
- e-estekhdam.com
- efukt.com
- egaliteetreconciliation.fr
- egyup.com
- el-ahly.com
- elance.com
- el-balad.com
- elbilad.net
- elbotola.com
- eldia.com.ar
- elephantjournal.com
- elespectador.com
- elfagr.org
- elheddaf.com
- elitepvpers.com
- elitetorrent.net
- elkhabar.com
- elpais.com.uy
- elshaab.org
- elwatannews.com
- el-wlid.com
- emailmeform.com
- emoneyspace.com
- e-monsite.com
- encuentra24.com
- englishforums.com
- enjoydressup.com
- enwdgts.com
- epidemz.net
- erepublik.com
- ero-advertising.com
- ethnos.gr
- etxt.ru
- excellentbux.net
- expatriates.com
- experts-exchange.com (no evidence of data leaked)
- explosm.net
- express.com.pk
- express.pk
- extabit.com
- extratorrent.cc
- extratorrent.com
- eyny.com
- ezilon.com
- eztv.it
- fabthemes.com
- fakenamegenerator.com
- fakku.net
- fanpop.com
- fansided.com
- fansshare.com
- fanswong.com
- fantasy8.com
- fap.to
- fatakat.com
- feedio.net
- feedly.com
- fenopy.se
- ffffound.com
- filecloud.io
- filelist.ro
- filenuke.com
- filesfetcher.com
- filgoal.com
- filmey.com
- filmifullizle.com
- fishki.net
- fiverr.com
- fok.nl
- fontspace.com
- forbes.ru
- forex4you.org
- forexpeacearmy.com
- forgifs.com
- foro20.com
- foroactivo.com
- forobeta.com
- forocoches.com
- forosdelweb.com
- forumactif.com
- forumactif.org
- forum.hr
- forumophilia.com
- forumotion.com
- fotka.pl
- fotolog.net
- foundationapi.com
- fragrantica.com
- frandroid.com
- freakshare.com
- freekaamaal.com
- freelanceswitch.com
- freeonlinegames.com
- freepatriot.org
- freepornvs.com
- free-press-release.com
- free-tv-video-online.me
- freewebs.com
- freshdesignweb.com
- fresherslive.com
- frmtr.com
- frombar.com
- fsiblog.com
- fssnet.co.in
- fuckbooknet.net
- fullhdfilmizle.org
- fun698.com
- funnyjunk.com
- funnymama.com
- fuskator.com
- futhead.com
- fux.com
- gaaks.com
- game321.com
- gameblog.fr
- game-debate.com
- gamefront.com
- gamer.com.tw
- games.la
- gamestorrents.com
- gametracker.com
- gamevicio.com
- gamme.com.tw
- geenstijl.nl
- genteflow.com
- geo.tv
- getbootstrap.com
- getcashforsurveys.com
- getfireshot.com
- getglue.com
- gezginler.net
- gezinti.com
- gfxtra.com
- gfy.com
- ghanaweb.com
- ghost.org
- gigaom.com
- gigporno.com
- gistmania.com
- glassdoor.com
- globalewallet.com
- globovision.com
- gmane.org
- godvine.com
- gofuckbiz.com
- gogoanime.com
- goldenline.pl
- goldesel.to
- goldporntube.com
- goldprice.org
- gooddrama.net
- good.is
- goodsearch.com
- gossiplankanews.com
- gottabemobile.com
- graaam.com
- grasscity.com
- greenwichmeantime.com
- grindtv.com
- gsmhosting.com
- gsmspain.com
- gtaforums.com
- gulli.com
- gun.az
- gyazo.com
- h2porn.com
- hackforums.net
- haivl.com
- haivl.tv
- hamariweb.com
- hammihan.com
- haqqin.az
- hardsextube.com
- hardwareluxx.de
- hawamer.com
- hawkhost.com
- hayah.cc
- hdfcbank.com
- healthkart.com
- heavy-r.com
- hespress.com
- hibapress.com
- hightrafficacademy.com
- hihi2.com
- hiphopdx.com
- hir.ma
- hitleap.com
- hizliresim.com
- hkgolden.com
- hobbyking.com
- hockeysfuture.com
- holiday-weather.com
- hostgator.com.br
- hostgator.in
- hostingflame.org
- hotair.com
- hotarabchat.com
- hotfrog.com
- hottube.me
- hotukdeals.com
- howtoforge.com
- hubpages.com
- hugedomains.com
- hugefiles.net
- humblebundle.com
- humoron.com
- hvg.hu
- icefilms.info
- iconarchive.com
- identi.li
- idlebrain.com
- iitv.info
- ijreview.com
- ikman.lk
- ilbe.com
- ilyke.net
- imagecurl.org
- imageporter.com
- imagetwist.com
- imgchili.com
- imgchili.net
- imgdino.com
- imgserve.net
- imgtiger.com
- imore.com
- impiego24.it
- inbound.org
- index.hr
- index-of-mp3s.com
- india-forums.com
- indiafreestuff.in
- indiangilma.com
- indianpornvideos.com
- indiansexstories.net
- indowebster.com
- inews.gr
- infibeam.com
- infolinks.com
- informationng.com
- informe21.com
- inkedmag.com
- inlinkz.com
- inquirer.net
- insight.ly
- instantcheckmate.com
- intercambiosvirtuales.org
- intereconomia.com
- internethaber.com
- interpals.net
- ioffer.com
- iol.co.za
- iphoneogram.com
- iphones.ru
- ipiccy.com
- iptorrents.com
- islammemo.cc
- italiafilm.tv
- it-ebooks.info
- ittefaq.com.bd
- ixl.com
- jagobd.com
- jang.com.pk
- javascript.ru
- jeanmarcmorandini.com
- j.gs
- jne.co.id
- joemonster.org
- johnchow.com
- jonloomer.com
- joomla.fr
- joomlart.com
- joomshaper.com
- jotform.com
- jquery.com
- jquerymobile.com
- jqueryui.com
- jusbrasil.com.br
- justunfollow.com
- jutarnji.hr
- jvzoo.com
- kaban.tv
- kalahari.com
- kanui.com.br
- karnaval.com
- katproxy.com
- keep2share.cc
- khabarfarsi.com
- khmerload.com
- kingworldnews.com
- kinogo.net
- kinox.to
- kinozal.tv
- kleiderkreisel.de
- klicktel.de
- klix.ba
- kn3.net
- komikid.com
- korabia.com
- kora-online.tv
- korben.info
- krucil.net
- ktonanovenkogo.ru
- kure.tv
- kwejk.pl
- lankacnews.com
- lapatilla.com
- laravel.com
- largeporntube.com
- latribune.fr
- laughingsquid.com
- layalina.com
- lebuteur.com
- legiaodosherois.com.br
- lenskart.com
- levelup.com
- lewrockwell.com
- libertagia.com
- life.com.tw
- light-dark.net
- liilas.com
- lik.cl
- like4like.org
- likesasap.com
- likes.com
- limetorrents.com
- linkbucks.com
- linkcollider.com
- linkconnector.com
- linkcrypt.ws
- linksmanagement.com
- listcovery.com
- listverse.com
- livememe.com
- lolinez.com
- lolnexus.com
- looti.net
- lumfile.com
- m5zn.com
- mafiashare.net
- makeameme.org
- makeupandbeauty.com
- makezine.com
- malaysiakini.com
- malwaretips.com
- managewp.com
- mangafox.me
- mangahere.com
- mangapanda.com
- mangareader.net
- mangastream.com
- manoto1.com
- maplestage.com
- marathonbet.com
- marketglory.com
- marunadanmalayali.com
- matchesfashion.com
- mathsisfun.com
- matthewwoodward.co.uk
- maultalk.com
- maxicep.com
- maxmind.com
- mazika2day.com
- mediapart.fr (not proxified by CF and not affected)
- mediatakeout.com
- mediatraffic.com
- medium.com
- megashare.info
- members.webs.com
- memecenter.com
- memedad.com
- meme-lol.com
- menshealth.com
- merca20.com
- mforos.com
- mg.co.za
- micromaxinfo.com
- microworkers.com
- mindmeister.com
- mindtools.com
- minecraftforum.net
- minijuegos.com
- minutebuzz.com
- mitbbs.com
- mixcloud.com
- mixedmartialarts.com
- mkyong.com
- mmo-champion.com
- mobafire.com
- mobilism.org
- moddb.com
- moneymakergroup.com
- monova.org
- moodle.org
- morguefile.com
- moveon.org
- movie4k.to
- movie-blog.org
- movieweb.com
- mp3skull.com
- mp3xd.com
- mstaml.com
- musavat.com
- mybb.com
- mybroadband.co.za
- mydealz.de
- mydigitallife.info
- myegy.com
- mygully.com
- mylikes.com
- mymodernmet.com
- mynewsdesk.com
- myorderbox.com
- mysavings.com
- mysmartprice.com
- myvidster.com
- n4g.com
- n4hr.com
- naijapals.com
- naij.com
- nairaland.com
- namepros.com
- naosalvo.com.br
- nationalreview.com
- natunbarta.com
- ncrypt.in
- neswangy.net
- netbarg.com
- network-tools.com
- newgrounds.com
- news.am
- newtvworld.com
- nexusmods.com
- nguoiduatin.vn
- nicozon.net
- ninisite.com
- niusnews.com
- nmisr.com
- nodejs.org
- notdoppler.com
- notebookcheck.net
- noticiaaldia.com
- noticierodigital.com
- novafile.com
- nowgamez.com
- nrc.nl
- nuevoloquo.com
- nulled.cc
- nullrefer.com
- nur.kz
- nyaa.se
- ocioso.com.br
- odesk.com
- offervault.com
- ofreegames.com
- ojooo.com
- omegle.com
- on.cc
- onedio.com
- onlinekhabar.com
- onlinesoccermanager.com
- online-stopwatch.com
- oodle.com
- opencart.com
- openclassrooms.com
- opensubtitles.org
- opinionlab.com
- opposingviews.com
- optimizepress.com
- optionbit.com
- orgasmatrix.com
- osdir.com
- pagina12.com.ar
- pandodaily.com
- paperblog.com
- pastebin.com
- patient.co.uk
- paxum.com
- pbagora.com.br
- pcadvisor.co.uk
- pccomponentes.com
- pcgames.de
- pcgameshardware.de
- pcinpact.com
- pdfonline.com
- peb.pl
- peerfly.com
- peliculas4.com
- peliculasyonkis.com
- penguinvids.com
- penny-arcade.com
- persiantools.com
- petapixel.com
- phimvang.com
- phpbb.com
- picstopin.com
- pijamasurf.com
- pik.ba
- pimpandhost.com
- pingdom.com
- pirateproxy.net
- pirateproxy.se
- piratestreaming.tv
- pixhost.org
- pjmedia.com
- planetminecraft.com
- played.to
- playvid.com
- playxn.com
- plugrush.com
- plus28.com
- popcash.net
- poringa.net
- pornbb.org
- pornerbros.com
- pornper.com
- porntube.com
- porntubevidz.com
- pornup.me
- portalnet.cl
- postplanner.com
- prefiles.com
- premiere.fr
- premiumwp.com
- prevention.com
- primewire.ag
- privatehomeclips.com
- priyo.com
- prlog.ru
- prntscr.com
- problogger.net
- proboards.com
- proceso.com.mx
- promiflash.de
- promptfile.com
- propakistani.pk
- proprofs.com
- psychcentral.com
- ptt.cc
- pubdirecte.com
- publika.az
- puls24.mk
- punchng.com
- purpleporno.com
- putlocker.bz
- putlocker.com
- putlocker.ws
- puu.sh
- q8yat.com
- qafqazinfo.az
- q-ask.com
- qatarliving.com
- qaynar.info
- q.gs
- questionablecontent.net
- r10.net
- racing-games.com
- radiojavan.com
- rahnama.com
- random.org
- ranker.com
- rapgenius.com
- rapradar.com
- rassd.com
- raventools.com
- rawstory.com
- reactiongifs.com
- readms.com
- realfarmacy.com
- realitatea.net
- redbubble.com
- re-direcciona.me
- reduxmediia.com
- relink.us
- resellerclub.com
- residentadvisor.net
- rghost.ru
- ripoffreport.com
- robtex.com
- rockpapershotgun.com
- roro44.com
- rosbalt.ru
- rozee.pk
- rubias19.com
- runetki.com
- runetki.tv
- runnersworld.com
- rus.ec
- ryushare.com
- sa.ae
- saaid.net
- sabq.org
- sadistic.pl
- saharareporters.com
- samanyoluhaber.com
- sankakucomplex.com
- say7.info
- sayidaty.net
- scamadviser.com
- scriptmafia.org
- sdpnoticias.com
- searchengines.ru
- searchere.info
- searchquotes.com
- sedty.com
- seemorgh.com
- seenive.com
- semprot.com
- seneweb.com
- seozenlaunch.com
- sergey-mavrodi.com
- sergeymavrodi.com
- sergey-mavrodi-mmm.net
- serials.ws
- serienjunkies.org
- series.ly
- seriesyonkis.com
- seriouseats.com
- serviporno.com
- seslisozluk.net
- sethgodin.typepad.com
- sexytube.me
- shahvani.com
- shareasale.com
- share-links.biz
- share-online.biz
- sheknows.com
- shiftdelete.net
- shoghlanty.com
- shorouknews.com
- shortp.com
- shoutmeloud.com
- sia.az
- siasat.pk
- siliconrus.com
- simplyrecipes.com
- sinembargo.mx
- sipse.com
- sitedeals.nl
- sitetalk.com
- siyahgazete.com
- skidrowcrack.com
- skidrowgames.net
- skladchik.com
- skyscrapercity.com
- slaati.com
- slashfilm.com
- slate.fr
- slimspots.com
- sm3na.com
- smallbiztrends.com
- smallseotools.com
- smartinsights.com
- smartpassiveincome.com
- smartprix.com
- smosh.com
- snapwidget.com
- soccermanager.com
- soccersuck.com
- socialadr.com
- socialblade.com
- socialmediabar.com
- socialmediaexaminer.com
- socialmediatoday.com
- socialtriggers.com
- softarchive.net
- solidtrustpay.com
- someecards.com
- somethingawful.com
- somuch.com
- songlyrics.com
- songspk.cc
- songspk.name
- soompi.com
- sooperarticles.com
- sopitas.com
- source-wave.com
- sourtimes.org
- spankbang.com
- spi0n.com
- spin.com
- sportcategory.com
- sportdog.gr
- spotscenered.info
- sprashivai.ru
- ssense.com
- stadelahly.com
- stadt-bremerhaven.de
- stafaband.info
- stagram.com
- standardmedia.co.ke
- stansberryresearch.com
- stargazete.com
- starsue.net
- statcounter.com
- statmyweb.com
- statscrop.com
- stepashka.com
- stereogum.com
- stocktwits.com
- stopforumspam.com
- storenvy.com (no evidence of data leaked)
- streamhunter.eu
- stream-tv.me
- stuffgate.com
- submissionwebdirectory.com
- subscene.com
- subtitulos.es
- sudaneseonline.com
- sunmaker.com
- super.ae
- surveygizmo.com
- swalif.net
- systweak.com
- t411.me
- talkarcades.com
- tamindir.com
- taringa.net
- taxheaven.gr
- te3p.com
- teamliquid.net (not affected)
- techdirt.com
- techinasia.com
- tech-wd.com
- tecmundo.com.br
- teespring.com (no evidence of compromised data)
- telelistas.net
- template-help.com
- templatemonster.com
- tfl.gov.uk
- tgju.org
- th3professional.com
- thaqafnafsak.com
- thebump.com
- the-bux.net
- thedailybeast.com
- theelevationgroup.com
- thefrisky.com
- thehackernews.com
- thejournal.ie
- theladbible.com
- themalaysianinsider.com
- theme-fusion.com
- theme-junkie.com
- themelock.com
- themobileindian.com
- thenationonlineng.net
- thenews.com.pk
- thenewstribe.com
- thepoke.co.uk
- theregister.co.uk
- thestudentroom.co.uk
- thesuperficial.com
- thethao247.vn
- thetoptens.com
- theync.com
- thingiverse.com
- thisav.com
- thisoldhouse.com
- tickld.com
- tielabs.com
- tineye.com
- tipsandtricks-hq.com
- tmart.com
- tn.com.ar
- tnr.com
- todayhumor.co.kr
- tomshw.it
- top-channel.tv
- topdocumentaryfilms.com
- topix.com
- toprankblog.com
- torlock.com
- torrentbutler.eu
- torrentcrazy.com
- torrentday.com
- torrentdownloads.me
- torrentfreak.com
- torrenthound.com
- torrentleech.org
- torrentreactor.net
- torrents.net
- townhall.com
- tracklab101.com
- tradetracker.com
- trafficbroker.com
- trafficestimate.com
- trafficfactory.biz
- trafficg.com
- traidnt.net
- tribune.com.pk
- trndsys.co
- trueactivist.com
- truthaboutabs.com
- tubeplus.me
- tukif.com
- tunisia-sat.com
- tureng.com
- tutorialzine.com
- tutsplus.com
- tuvaro.com
- tvboxnow.com
- tvrage.com
- tv-series.me
- tw116.com
- twentytwowords.com
- twitchy.com
- typepad.com
- uber.com
- udemy.com
- uludagsozluk.com
- unitezz.com
- uploadboy.com
- uppit.com
- uptobox.com
- usingenglish.com
- utrace.de
- utusan.com.my
- uwants.com
- vanguardngr.com
- vavel.com
- vcommission.com
- vecernji.hr
- vecteezy.com
- vetogate.com
- vid2c.com
- videarn.com
- video.az
- videomega.tv
- videopremium.tv
- videoyoum7.com
- vidspot.net
- viralnova.com
- vivas.fi
- vladtv.com
- vodly.to
- vodonet.net
- voetbalzone.nl
- vozforums.com
- vr-zone.com
- w3resource.com
- w4.com
- warez-bb.org
- warriorplus.com
- waseet.net
- washingtontimes.com
- watch32.com
- watchcartoononline.com
- watchfreemovies.ch
- watchseries.lt
- watchseries-online.eu
- wattpad.com
- waveapps.com
- wayn.com
- wearehairy.com
- webconfs.com
- webdesignerdepot.com
- webdesignledger.com
- webgains.com
- webhostbox.net
- webhostingtalk.com
- webmastersitesi.com
- web-opinions.com
- webresourcesdepot.com
- webs.com
- wed168.com.tw
- wehkamp.nl
- weknowmemes.com
- weloveshopping.com
- whatculture.com
- whatismyip.com
- whatsmyserp.com
- whirlpool.net.au
- whocallsme.com
- whoishostingthis.com
- whoismind.com
- wikiwiki.jp
- wiziq.com
- wiziwig.tv
- wjunction.com
- wmmail.ru
- womenshealthmag.com
- worldtimebuddy.com
- worldtimeserver.com
- worthofweb.com
- wpcentral.com
- wpengine.com
- wphub.com
- wplocker.com
- wpmu.org
- x-art.com
- xat.com
- xbmc.org
- xenforo.com
- xxxbunker.com
- xxxkinky.com
- yam.com
- yazete.com
- yepi.com
- yeppudaa.com
- yeslibertin.com
- yola.com
- yoo7.com
- yougetpaidfast.com
- yougetsignal.com
- youm7.com
- yourbittorrent.com
- youtradefx.com
- youtube-mp3.org
- yucatan.com.mx
- yuku.com
- z6.com
- zakon.kz
- zalukaj.tv
- zamalekfans.com
- zaman.com.tr
- zemanta.com
- zemtv.com
- zenhabits.net
- zero10.net
- zetaboards.com
- ziprecruiter.com
- zone-telechargement.com
- zoominfo.com
- zoomit.ir
- zurb.com
- zwaar.net
'프로그래밍' 카테고리의 다른 글
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- coran
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일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
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